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XT2 Bracketed exposures


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As you all know once bracket exposures has been set up in the Drive menu, you turn the Drive dial to Bracket, press the shutter once and hey presto it takes 3 bracketed images.


If you keep your finger on the shutter, the camera sounds like its continually firing a motorised sequence, brilliant I thought, motorised bracketed exposures, just what I want.

But alas, when you check your sd card you only have 3 exposures, not the 10 or more you thought.


Is this me or is it normal on the xt2?


Without a firmware upgrade is there another way to motorised bracketed exposures? other than prodding the shutter rapidly.




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Bracketing on this camera is 3 images.  Default exposure, then one brighter then one darker.  


When the camera is in burst mode, you get the intended 3 pic's for that one scene but if you continue to hold the shutter button, the camera will start a new series of 3 and keep doing that over and over.  Unfortunately it doesn't work in a way that every image you take in burst mode is a slightly different exposure.

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Hi Adam,


I agree in principle with your scenario but when I fire the brackets like that, yes I get lots

of burst activity whilst holding down the shutter, but when I check my newly formatted sd card, there are only three images on it.


The only way to get a second set of three images is to release the shutter then press it again.


Could you please try this on your xt2



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I know it's not the same camera, but on my XT10 when I change to bracketed exposure via the drive dial I press the shutter and get 3 bracketed shots, complete with the noise of three consecutive shutter activations. I must admit to thinking it's the way it should work.

If I press continually nothing further happens, no noise, no further shots, just the end of the process.


If I ever wanted to take 3 more shots I'd release the shutter and press again.

Edited by MirrorMirror
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Mirror Mirror

Does it do the same if you have CH or CL continuous set or is this in single shot?

With the XT10 the bracket selection and CH/CL are on the same dial, so you can't select bracket and continuous at the same time. I thought that was the same configuration as the XT2? Edited by MirrorMirror
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I don't know if would make any difference or not, but if you aren't running latest firmware on the body, make sure to update.  If you are, see if you can reinstall it.  Otherwise, sounds like a problem and will need to be brought in for servicing if you find it to be a problem.  Otherwise, it's just an odd quirk.

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Although it is constantly said that Fujifilm listens to its customers, we have been constantly asking (in my case since 2012) for more than 3 pictures bracketing. After more than 4 years, Fuji has finally allowed us to make a +-2 EV bracketing in the X-T2. When will we have the possibility to take, at least, up to 5 pictures? This shouldn't be that difficult!

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